
US Congress: Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act - Transscript (2006)
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) was "introduced [in 2006] in response to a growing threat commonly referred to as ecoterrorism" to criminalize animal rights activist and protect animal exploitation industries.
Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the United States House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary (May 23rd 2006)
Including testimony by journalist and activist Will Potter (author of Green Is The New Red)

US Congress: Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) (Jan 2006)
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) was "introduced [in 2006] in response to a growing threat commonly referred to as ecoterrorism" to criminalize animal rights activist and protect animal exploitation industries.
Legaslative text from January 2006
Read more on the topic in Green Is The New Red by journalist and activist Will Potter

Thesis: Plädoyer für einen anderen Umgang mit Tieren (Hartmut Kiewert)
"Plädoyer für einen anderen Umgang mit Tieren – Perspektiven für eine herrschafts- und gewaltfreie Gesellschaft"
German diploma thesis of activist Hartmut Kiewert

Studie: Milliarden für die Tierindustrie (Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustire)
Subventionen für Tierfabriken und Futteranbau, Sozial- und Beratungsleistungen für Tierhalter*innen oder reduzierte Mehrwertsteuer auf Fleisch, Milch und Eier: Der Staat unterstützt die Tierwirtschaft und den Absatz tierbasierter Produkte auf vielfältige Weise.
Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie

Studie: Die sozio-ökonomischen Auswirkungen der europäischen Pelztierhaltung (IFTF & FBA)
A German study of the European Fur Breeders' Association (FBA) and the International Fur Trade Federation (IFTF) about the socio-economic effects of the European fur industry

Raiding Arizona - How the ALF carried out the University of Arizona Raid (1997)
Article published in Underground #07 about the 1997 raid by the Animal Liberation Front of the University of Arizona.

Innenministerium NRW: Radikale Methoden von Tierversuchsgegnern in NRW (2004)
Internal document of the German interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia from 2004 about the animal rights movement (featuring Covance Schließen, ALF, SHAC, OGPI, Die Ratten).

Extremist Watch: Analysis and Insight #31 (2010)
Internal document of Information Network Associates (INA) about the animal rights movement, tactics and actions from 2010

Bundeskriminalamt (intern): AGNES (Auswirkungen gesetzlicher Neuregelungen auf die Ermittlungspraxis der Strafverfolgungsbehörden) (2008)
Classified internal document of the German Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police Office) from 2008 about methods and the state of (state) surveillance and investigation.
Code: AGNES ("Auswirkungen gesetzlicher Neuregelungen auf die Ermittlungspraxis der Strafverfolgungsbehörden")

Austrian §278a Trial: "Soko Bekleidung": Police Informer Protocols (Vienna, 2010)
Internal Austrian documents including account of police informer "Danielle Durand".
See: Austrian §278a trial

Auf zu neuen Ufern (Demoaufruf, 1. Mai)
Auf zu neuen Ufern: Aufruf des Zusammenschlusses autonomer Tierrechtlerlnnen

Analyse & Kritik: Natur und Arbeit sind in falscher Hand (Aug 2008)
Analyse & Kritik (AK): Natur und Arbeit sind in falscher Hand - Für eine Verknüpfung der Analyse von kapitalistischer Produktionsweise und Naturbeherrschung

An Appraisal of the Radical Animal Liberation Movement in Switzerland: 2003 to March 2007 (Jean-Marc Flükiger, 2008)
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 31(2):145-157 (February 2008)
In February 2007, the Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the arson of two trucks in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. After analyzing this event, which triggered an unusual media response in the country, this article assesses recent and past actions of the radical animal liberation movement in Switzerland for the period from 2003 to the end of March 2007. This article also presents some features of the non-radical animal liberation movement in the German-speaking and Italian-speaking parts of the country and demonstrates possible links between the non-radical movement and the radical one.