Wie die Polizei verhört und wie wir uns dagegen verteidigen können (Projet-Evasions, 2022)
Rechtshilfebroschüre anlässlich des Aktionscamps 2021 vom Aktionsbündnis Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie.
Classified internal document of the German Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police Office) from 2008 about methods and the state of (state) surveillance and investigation.
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) was "introduced [in 2006] in response to a growing threat commonly referred to as ecoterrorism" to criminalize animal rights activist and protect animal exploitation industries in the USA.
Rio Radi was a German animal rights / liberation magazine first published in 2000.
Strong Hearts was a magazine produced by ALF activist Rod Coronado in 1994 / 1995 while he was serving a prison sentence for conspiracy charges related to arson at Michigan State University.